Dos and don'ts of contact lens solutions 

Follow these simple tips to help you get the best out of your contact lens solution:

• Rub, rinse and store your lenses in the recommended solution before and after each use (except single-use lenses, which should be discarded after each wear)
• Discard and replace with fresh solution each time lenses are stored
• Clean the lens case with solution, wipe with a clean tissue then air-dry face down after each use
• Discard solutions that are past their expiry date
• Use only the solutions specified by your eyecare practitioner
• Make sure you take all the solutions you need with you when travelling

• Use tap water, or any other water, on your lenses or lens case
• Wet your lenses with saliva
• Re-use or top up solution
• Decant solution into smaller containers
• Wear lenses left in the case for more than seven days without cleaning and storing them in fresh solution
• Switch the solution you use except on the advice of your eyecare practitioner
• Use any eye drops without advice from your eyecare practitioner